Free* Onsite End User Security Awareness Training
Free, that must mean there’s a catch, right? Nope, none, zip. We are so passionate about defeating cyber risks in your business that we are willing to make the most effective option available to you, at no cost. That is, train your users. While technology gives us options to secure your systems, users still need to be able to use them. The qualities we look for when hiring people are commonly the same qualities exploited to gain covert access to your systems. No amount of money spent, or technologies installed, will prevent bad actors from gaining access when they can convince your users to help. That is why training is so important. Let us do it for free*. Training sessions are typically one hour.
These are the highlights of the topics we usually discuss. We will be covering the techniques that are used and preventative measures.
Motives of threat actors
Types of threats
Credentials theft
Denial of Service
Span and Phishing
Account Take Over
Malware footholds
Web Browsing
Files - Unknown USB and CD’s
Stolen Credentials
Password Hygiene
Risks with mobile devices
Wireless / Bluetooth
QR codes
*Free – OK there are a few restrictions. Free in person training must be in the greater Wenatchee/ Leavenworth WA area. If you’re in Spokane, Quincy, or Ellensburg area a small travel cost incurred, or use our online option available at no cost. Those darned asterisk’s